Thursday, December 06, 2007

The George Quiz

Sunday 25th November 2007

Round One – General Knowledge

Round One is in the style of Blockbusters...

1. What G was replaced by the Euro in the Netherlands?

2. Which C is the opposite of Acrophobia?

3. Which V is to host the Winter Olympics in 2010?

4. Which M is the state capital of Wisconsin?

5. What O is the science of correcting deformities of the skeleton?

6. Which LC is measured by a spirometer?

7. Which EM were sold to the British Museum for £36 000 in 1816?

8. Which EO is the English translation of the Japanese word Karaoke?

9. Which HP is a mountain range in Northwest Afghanistan?

10. Which MP is the central character in a series of children’s novels written in the 1930’s by Pamela Lyndon Travers?

11. Which LC is a fictional character that holds the title of Duchess Of St Bridget?

12. Which FW is a town overlooked by Ben Nevis?

13. Which NGE was played on TV by Ricky Tomlinson in 2002?

14. Which MOB is Kate Nash’s 2007 debut best-selling album?

15. On which SOL is there an inscription entitled The New Colossus by the nineteenth century poet Emma Lazarus?

16. Which SSP was Donald McGill’s contribution to seaside enjoyment from the turn of the twentieth century?

17. Which CCM is a 1993 novel set on the Greek island of Kefalonia against the backdrop of the Second World War?

18. Which DAF is the 1971 film, which starred Jill St John as Tiffany Case?

Round Two - Picture Round

Flags and Country Outlines; A George Quiz favourite - just identify the country...

Round Three

1. In 2003 who was arrested and charged with the murder of Lana Clarkson?

2. Which chart topping duo from 1992 had the surnames of Pettigrew and Chacon?

3. Which 1989 number one hit was inspired by a constantly burning memorial to Elvis Presley at Graceland?

4. In Seattle on the corner of Broadway and Pine a statue of which man holding his Stratocaster guitar can be seen?

5. The music mogul Don Arden died in July 2007. Who is his famous daughter?

6. Which best selling album of the 90s features a photograph of Berwick Street (in London) on its front cover?

On This Day In November...
7. 25th – What became the first foreign team to defeat England at Wembley in 1953?

8. 26th – At which vault at Heathrow Airport were over 6000 gold bars stolen in 1983?

9. 27th – On this day in 1994, which band’s Greatest Hits album, entitled “Carry On Up The Charts” was released?

10. 28th – East Timor declared its independence from which European country in 1975?

11. 29th – Which commission was established to investigate the assassination of JFK in 1963?

12. 30th – Which London building was destroyed by fire in 1936?

13. Which author released the collection of short stories entitled “If you liked school, you’ll love work” this year?

14. For what kind of artistic achievement is the annual Orange Prize awarded?

15. Which 2002 novel featured a young Indian boy adrift in a boat with a Bengal tiger called Richard Parker as his companion??

16. In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban – Who is the prisoner in question?

17. What is the name of the central character in James Joyce’s “Ulysses”?

18. What was the title of Richard Adams’ canine sequel to Watership Down?

Round Four – Film Quotes

All the following quotes are taken from the kind of flms which are always shown each Christmas on TV and will be shown every year until i shuffle off this mortal coil. Probably. Some are good, some are plain awful. There are year-of-release clues to help you...
1. "If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits're gonna see some serious shit." (1985)
2. "But a boy's best friend is his mother." (1960)
3. "You want the moon? Just say the word, and i'll throw a lassoo around it and pull it down." (1946)
4. "Weren't you frightened?" "Frightened? Child, you are talking to a man who has laughed in the face of death, sneered at doom, and chuckled at catastrophe...I was petrified!" (1939)
5. "I'm here to fight for truth, justice, and the American Way" (1980)
6. "Damn, how can you give Kris Kringle a parking ticket on Christmas Eve? What's next, rabies shots for the Easter Bunny?"
7. "Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And i will have my vengeance, in this life or the next." (2000)
8. "It came without ribbons! It came without tags! It came without packages, boxes or bags!" (2000)
9. "Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. hate leads to suffering." (1999)
10. "All right, keep the little beasts. Do what you like with them. Drown them for all i care. You're a fool, Anita! I have no use for fools. You're fired, you're finished, you'll never work in fashion again! I'm through with all of you. I'll get even. Just wait. You'll be sorry, you fools, YOU IDIOTS." (1996)

1 comment:

Mike Smail said...

Round One
6.Lung Capacity
7.Elgin Marbles
8.Empty Orchestra
9.Hindu Kush
10.Mary Poppins
11.Lara Croft
12.Fort William
13.Nice Guy Eddie
14.Made Of Bricks
15.Statue Of Liberty
16.Saucy Seaside Postcards
17.Captain Corelli's Mandolin
18.Diamonds Are Forever

Round Two

Round Three
1.Phil Spector
2.Charles & Eddie (see last week's quiz)
3.Eternal Flame by The Bangles
4.Jimi Hendrix
5.Sharon Osbourne
6.What's The Story, Morning Glory (by Oasis)

8.Brinks Matt
9.The Beautiful South
12.Crystal Palace

13.Irving Welsh
14.A fiction prize for the best novel by a female writer
15.The Life Of Pi
16.Sirius Black
17.The Plague Dogs

Round Four
1. Back to the future
3.It's a wonderful life
4.Wizard of Oz
6.Miracle on 34th street
8.How the Grinch stole Christmas
9.The phantom menace
10.101 Dalmatians